Saturday, July 28, 2012

101 Challenge - July 2012

Here's what I did in July 2012

~ Blogged about my 101 progress, obviously! ;) 
~ Wrote a letter to a friend/a different friend - not last months friend. 
~ Finished Reading the following book(s):
       The Wizard of Oz
       The Forgotten Garden
~ Couldn't attend the book club meeting this month but I did finish the book and plan to hold a G+ hangout with some of the other book club gals. :)
~ Took a trip to CA to see my mom!! I didn't make it to KS but I'll take it!! I'll still aim to go to KS before the 1001 days is up but my trip was a blast! Here is the trip post :)
~ Still writing in my journal; I documented my whole trip. :)
~ Counted my pencils; I'm at 254 - I've got 7 more since my last count
~ Counted my nail polish; I'm at 72!! - got magnetic polish!!! :D
~ Pedicure of the Month - My mom, Moonius and I did pedicures while I was in Cali. I did Disney themed toes. Here is a picture of my mani, so you can get a better look.

~ Wrote a poem - My blog celebrated it's first Blogaversary - so it needed a poem. :) - 7/24/12
~ Took pictures of 3 hearts
~ I learned to Knit!! My mom taught me while I was in California with her!!  It's not pretty but it's a start! :)

~ Song of the month: Somebody That You Used To Know - Gotye
I don't know what it is about this song, but I love it!

Oh and for my Gleeks, here's the Glee version with Blaine.../sigh

Your 101 goals blogger, 
Jessy <3


  1. Yay for the update and the Glee version of the song! :)

    1. LOL!!! You are welcome. I think I like the Glee version (or at least the Glee video) better. LOL!
