Friday, August 15, 2014

Ipsy Bag: May 2014

The month of May, ahhh the month of May...this month my Mom joined Ipsy so we got to open our Ipsy bags together via Skype. I love Skype, what did we do before the internetz? Totally off subject, isn't my mommy beautiful? :)

And now for the bag...

May's Ipsy Bag
May's Bag: This month's bag feels kind of like burlap, but not quite as scratchy. lol Here were my products

Pacific Natural Beauty Duo Shadow in Plum and White Gold: I think this pressed powder eyeshadow duo is a very pretty combination. It applies subtlety but layers well, so if you like your eye makeup darker like I do, rest assured it doesn't take forever to apply.

Hang Ten 50 Classic Sport Natural Sunscreen SPF 50: I have one thing to say about this WORKS!! Holy Hannah, it really does. I used it when we went to the Grand Canyon. When we went, I was wearing this shirt that had holes where the shoulders are so I used this because I didn't want to burn. Of course I still burned because I wasn't thinking of the rest of my arms, just where those holes were. *facepalm* But funny thing is when all was said and done, I had this perfect little hand print in the place where I applied the sunscreen. Talk about the weirdest burn But it gives kudos to the Sunscreen because I don't think I've ever seen one work so well. If you have kids you should definitely buy it.

Hey Honey, Take It Off Exfoliating Honey Peel-off Mask: The peel off mask is an okay product. I am not a big fan of peel-off masks for two reasons: one, I don't know if they really work, and two they are a pain to put on and to remove. This one made my skin look soft but it was still a pain to remove. Someone needs to make a peel off mask that is either colored or changes color, I'm just sayin'...

Eva-NYC Therapy Session Hair Mask with Keravis protein and Argan oil: This product is amazing, it's like Downy for your hair! I don't know about you, but my hair is very dry and sometimes regular conditioners just aren't enough. That's where hair masks come in handy. I use it in place of conditioner and it makes my hair so soft.

Avène Thermal Spring Water: This is canned water that sprays out as a mist. I've never used anything like this before and honestly I won't ever buy it for myself. I don't really see the point of buying canned water but it does help sooth itchiness. I've had hives off and on for the past few months and the light mist does help for a bit. If anyone knows what this is supposed to be used for please enlighten me. 

The award for this months favorite product goes to *drumroll*... Eva-NYC Hair Mask! 
Not only does it make your hair smooth it also smells amazing! I am very sad that I am almost out. :( I'm gonna have to find where I can buy more. :)


P.S. If you would like to join Ipsy simply click HERE.
P.P.S. All of the opinions in this post are my own, I am not being paid to review these products. But if someone would like to pay me or give me products to review I won't object. ;)

Friday Favorites: Musical Edition

A while back there was a post going around Facebook, at least within my group of friends, that was a challenge to fill Facebook with music instead of Selfies. I will admit, I'm a selfie addict but I like the idea of breaking the monotony.

I was assigned to post a song by a band/artist whose name started with the letter N. When trying to pick a song I realized something, I don't like any current bands that start with the letter N. LOL I decided to post something old school for #tbt and my song was from New Kids on the Block. lol
Since I didn't share any of my current favorites I thought I'd share them with you. :-)

Here are a few of my favorite bands/songs from the past few months:

I've been on Pandora more than usual and am loving my Lifehouse Radio. These are some of the songs that I've found, and grown to love:

A Drop in the Ocean - Ron Pope

All We Are - Matt Nathanson

Broken - Lifehouse

Collide - Howie Day

Demons - Imagine Dragons
I love, love, LOVE Imagine Dragons! They are awesome!

From Where You Are - Lifehouse

Let Her Go - Passenger

Shooting Stars - Edwin McCain

After going back through them again, I've found that they are kind of melancholy but beautiful at the same time. I hope you enjoy them. I'm always looking for new music. Leave me a comment and let me know some of your favorite artists/songs.

Jessy <3

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Ipsy Bag: April 2014

So I joined Ipsy in April this year and I have yet to blog about it. I can sum up this blog post in one sentence; I love Ipsy!! So far I have gotten four bags and they have all been filled with fun new products for me to try. Ipsy may be known for sending you "samples" of items but some of their "samples" are full sized product. I've posted all of my bags on my Instagram account but I want to share them here and give you my thoughts about some of the products. So here we go...

April's Ipsy Bag

April's Bag: The bag is a plastic bag with a record player printed on it and it came with 5 items:

Kiss Fake Lashes: I haven't tried these yet but they look very beautiful. I'm sure they will be wonderful. I feel like I need to save them for a special occasion though.

City Color Mousse Eyeshadow in White Gold: I love this product for a few reasons; 1 it's a creme to powder so it doesn't take a whole lot to apply meaning the "sample" they sent me will last a while. 2, I really love the color. I don't wear gold a whole lot but who cares. lol

Cailyn Lip Balm in Acid Pink: When I hear "lip balm" I thought of something like a Carmex consistency; I was wrong, it was very creamy and had to be applied with a brush that was hidden in the long handle. Once you apply this product the color is there, For-E-Ver. I was so excited to try it I actually put it on before I brushed my teeth and it stayed put! I would really love this product if it were a different color; I may have to invest in one. 

Lolli-tint cheek and lip stain in Candy-Orchard: This is a liquid and stains really fast, which is good because it lasts a long time, but is very tricky to apply as a blush. lol 

Urban Decay 24 /7 eye pencil in Black Velvet: This is a pencil liner but it's not a hard tipped pencil so it doesn't pull on your eyelid.

Favorite Product: Out of all of these products I think my favorite is the Urban Decay eyeliner. Not only did it glide on, it also stays put, as long as you don't apply too much. I have a tendency to do caught me lol

I will be posting a few of these over the next few days, trying to catch-up for the months that I've missed. Let me know in the comments if you have tried any of these products, or tell me about your favorite makeup product.

Jessy <3

If you would like to join Ipsy simply click HERE.

30 Things About Me: What I Would Teach

So one of the "30 Things About Me" questions is: "If you had to teach something, what would you teach?" hmmm.... If you know me, you know that I am not good at public speaking. I can sit behind a desk all day and talk someone's ear off, and I can sing in front of hundreds of people. But if you put me up at the front of a classroom, I get extremely nervous. I find that to be very odd, and I can't quite put a finger on what is so intimidating. But it may be because I really don't like to be the center of attention.

When I was growing up, I was the loner. I was the little girl who was content with having just a couple close friends, spending recess on the swings, and just enjoying the peace and quiet. I've never been the boisterous, "pay attention to me" type of person. So getting up in front of people is intimidating - especially if it's my peers.

That being said if I had to teach, I think I would teach kindergarten. Out of all of the age groups I feel that a Kindergarten classroom would be one in which I would be most comfortable.

Before I worked at the college that I'm at now, I worked in a day care for a short time and I loved it. I worked in the room with 2 and 3 year old's; they kept me on my toes but I loved them! I really enjoyed that they allowed me to see the world through their eyes. I think teaching kindergarten would be the same way. You're in a classroom full of kids who are excited to be at school, who are eager to learn, and want to soak up all that they can. Yep, out of all of the stages of life, I think kindergarten would be the most fun to teach.

Who knows, maybe that's what I'll be when I grow

What about you? What would you teach, or do you get stage fright like me? Let me know in the comments. :)

Jessy <3